The Almost Off Grid Ultimate 4 Ciders Brewing Kit.
This kit contains all the equipment you need to get going making four batches of cider. It includes 3 sachets of different Cider Yeasts and a copy of our very own Cider Journal which, as well as containing all the information you need to get started, also includes recipes for Traditional Still Cider, Sparkling Cider, Wild Cider using the natural yeasts on the skin of the apples, Fruit Cider, Elderflower Cider, Hopped Cider and Slider (Sloe Gin Cider - there's also a Sloe Gin recipe included). The three vessels hold enough liquid to make 25 litres, 10 litres and 4.5 litres respectively if you choose to make 3 batches all at the same time. The 4 Ciders Brewing Kit is the perfect way to get started making your own Cider at home, and the ultimate gift for the budding Cider Maker in your life.
The Ultimate 4 Ciders Brewing Kit Contents
- 25 litre fermentation bucket with bored hole and grommet for an airlock
- 10 litre fermentation bucket with bored hole and grommet for an airlock
- 5 litre fermentation bucket with bored hole and grommet for an airlock
- 1 PET demijohn including lid with pre-bored hole and grommet to keep airlock in place
- 4 Bubbler Airlocks with caps
- 1 100g tub of VWP cleaner/steriliser
- 4 stick-on thermometer strips
- 2 cider yeast sachets plus 1 sparkling wine yeast which is ideal for making sparkling cider. This kit is the ultimate way to test all 3 of these well-loved yeasts to decide which one you like the best, with your 4th batch being a wild cider using the natural yeasts in your apples
- 1 triple scale hydrometer stored in a plastic tube which can also be used as a trial jar
- 1 complete syphon including a sediment trap, rigid syphon tube, PVC tubing and tap
- a plastic spoon for mixing
- a plastic jug and funnel for easy mixing and bottling
- a reusable straining bag
- 4 kraft tags for keeping track of your cider making - simply use them to record and tick off which parts of each process you have completed, then tie to the fermenting vessel
- An Almost Off Grid Cider Making Journal containing cider recipes and all the information you need to start making cider.
All equipment is reusable and is then suitable for homemade beer, wine and mead. Bottles, corks caps and ingredients are not included.