Nationwide UK Delivery
Standard Delivery
Standard delivery on orders over £25 is FREE!
Orders placed by 10am from Monday to Friday, excluding bank holidays, will be shipped the same working day.
Standard Delivery on orders below £25 is £2.95. Standard Delivery is available to anywhere in the United Kingdom, including Northern Ireland, the Channel Islands and Highlands and Islands addresses on every order placed on our website. Please note that we will select the most appropriate service for your order when you place your order with us (which may include next day delivery when your order is despatched), and your order will be shipped within one working day. Your order should be delivered to you within 2-3 working days after despatch if you select Standard Delivery.
Please however order as early as possible, thus allowing as much time as possible for your order to arrive, to avoid disappointment. Please also double check that the delivery address you provide is correct as we cannot be held liable for goods not being delivered in these circumstances.
If you'd like to have items sent to separate addresses, please complete a separate order for each address. A separate delivery charge will be made for each address as each order will be shipped separately.
Please don't hesitate to contact us if you have any queries or would like any advice about shipping.
Please note: unfortunately we can no longer offer click and collect consistently due to not always being on the premises, so we have removed that option from the website.