Almost Off Grid Blog - Brew, Make, Forage, Grow.

  • Medicinal Mushrooms: Turkey Tail and Birch Polypore

    As I write this, it's autumn with fungi bursting out all over. Whilst I don't claim to be an expert (or any good at all really) at identifying mushrooms, there are a few that we know well and are happy to identify and harvest. Two of those are widely regarded as medicinal mushrooms: turkey tail and birch polypore.
  • Create a Beautiful Bio Link for Instagram

    We love Instagram. It's a great way to share links to our shop and our blog posts. I go through phases of blogging... a lot. With lots of links, my Linktree was getting long and looked a bit (dare I say) boring. So I set about finding a way to create a beautiful bio link for Instagram.
  • IKEA Live LAGOM Programme - our first step!

    The IKEA Live LAGOM Programme runs every year, and we were lucky enough to be invited to participate in the 2021/2022 programme. Live LAGOM explore...
  • Wild Plum Gin Liqueur Recipe

    Here in East Sussex we really have hit the Autumn season of mists and mellow fruitfulness. We picked some wild plums aka bullaces a couple of weeks ago and made Wild Plum Gin Liqueur. It already looks deep pink and glorious! Here's the recipe.
  • Carrot, Coconut and Cardamom Soup

    Carrot and Coriander soup is the one everyone talks about, Carrot and Cardamom soup is better. Well it is if you love Cardamom. Perfect Carrot, Coconut and Cardamom Soup recipe for when you want something warming and nutritious for your lunch. Vegan too.
  • Mead Making Journal - Almost Off Grid Journal 1 is here!

    Do you want to master the art and craft of making mead?  The Almost Off Grid Mead Making Journal has everything you need to get started. After such...
  • Additives in Winemaking

    This list contains 15 additives you will find in winemaking recipes, plus a word about sulphites in wine. The purpose of this list of Additives in Winemaking is to explain some of the options available. Then you can decide whether or not you wish to use them, or find a 'natural' alternative where one exists.

  • Elderflower Wine Recipe

    To start the month of June we walked up to The Long Man of Wilmington with our sandwiches for tea, and picked our first Elderflowers to make this Elderflower Wine Recipe. We only picked a few, so I made a half batch. This is the recipe for the full batch, ie 6 bottles. If you too want to make a small batch wine, simply halve everything.
  • Almost Off Grid Mead Recipe for Beginners

    This year marks the 4th year of our Homebrew shop. Interest in mead making seems to us to have increased a lot over those years. When people ask us for a Mead Recipe for Beginners, this is the recipe we use. It's ideal as a base for adding fruits and herbs.
  • Starting a Podcast on the Cheap – a Guide for Small Shops

    We created a podcast during the 2020 COVID 19 lockdown. We’ve had a few people ask us about podcasting and how we set ourselves up to do it. This i...
  • Amazon Affiliates for Small Shops

    I am not a blogger, I'm a shop owner who blogs. Amazon affiliate income is one of the many revenue streams that trickle into our shop bank account, month in month out, helping to keep the cash flowing. So what is Amazon Associates and how can it create a revenue stream for your shop? Read all about it here.
  • Pickled Wild Garlic Buds Recipe

    Love Wild Garlic? Me too. Did you know the flowers and the seed pods are edible, as well as the leaves? Well they are, and they're just as delicious. It is wonderful to preserve the different elements of this delicious plant when it's in season, so you can carry on enjoying it through the rest of the year.